A Recipe For Salad Toast: A Caesar Recipe Everyone Will Love

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Our new Caesar Toast recipe is luscious, delicious, and easy–the explosion of flavors is pretty much epic! Keep scrolling to the bottom of the post to learn how to make my Caesar dressing recipe, which is truly a Magic Elixir. Once you make it you can use it to create all sorts of dishes like this Caesar Salad Toast.

And once you have a batch of my fabulous Caesar Dressing on hand, you can use it in all my other Caesar salad-inspired creations, too. Do yourself a favor and make a batch of dressing at the beginning of the week, so you can eat it every single day!

Once the dressing is made, the dish itself takes a mere ten minutes. People are always looking for a meal that feels like you fussed, and this is it…meanwhile, it’s super simple!

Everybody knows the best part of a Caesar salad recipe is the crouton, so we built this dish around the most amazing crouton ever, all crunchy and delicious. The “crouton” starts with flavoring the olive oil with slivers of garlic and toasting the bread in it until crunchy.

Next make a mini Caesar Salad using ribbons of Romaine tossed in the dressing. Layer this mini-salad onto the bread. Then fry some eggs in the leftover garlic oil, top the sandwich with the eggs, and finish with sprinkles of Parmesan, garlic crisps, chili crisp, and a squeeze of lemon. It’s a whole lot of deliciousness and so absolutely perfect for weekday eating!


Chicken Caesar Salad Wrap


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Let’s go! - Teri Turner