The Best Recipe For Trout Ever: Trout Walnut-Dine

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I just created my new favorite way to prepare and serve trout! My new Trout Walnut-Dine recipe is a riff on the classic Trout Almondine, taken to the next level by using walnuts and sesame seeds. It’s a fantastic recipe for trout, and I have no doubt you’ll love it as much as we do.

Eating fish is a fantastic way to embrace a lighter way of eating. I love it! As someone living in a health-conscious way, I am all about eating foods that are both nutrient-dense and delicious. So, let me tell you a little bit about why walnuts are a superstar ingredient in my kitchen!

Walnuts are full of heart-healthy fats and very high in antioxidants. Eating them regularly is believed to improve brain health and reduce your risk of heart disease. Incorporating them into my diet is also pretty seamless because they enhance so many wonderful dishes!

For my new recipe, I wanted to combine a beautiful piece of trout with my love of walnuts, so I created this Trout Walnut-Dine with a nod to the classic Trout Almondine. Frankly, the walnut sesame crumble is amazing.

This trout recipe is absolutely wonderful with rice. I like mixing giardiniera into my rice to make it extra special. For fall, I made a wonderful shaved Brussels sprout and cabbage side dish to serve with the Trout Walnut-Dine.


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Let’s go! - Teri Turner